Learn to write like a professional copywriter
Copywriting is one of the core marketing skills every marketer or business owner needs. Website landing pages, sales emails, blogs, social media posts, ads, there's hardly an area of marketing content that doesn't demand knowing how to write persuasive copy.
However, there are only two things you need to know about copywriting. First, you don't have to be a "writer" to be a good copywriter. Second, learning a few tricks or secrets off a blog or a website won't magically turn you into an effective copywriter either.
What will make you a good copywriter is how you think. Copywriting is about knowing what will interest your audience and then being clear in how you talk to them.
In this workshop you'll learn how to think like a copywriter and write, clear, concise copy that stands out and wins attention, goes straight to the point and persuades your audience by being relevant to their wants or needs.
Learn how to write:
Attention grabbing headlines
Effective sales copy
Tone of voice copy that's on brand
Copy that works with images to make your communications work harder
Copy that persuades and prompts action
Plus learn copywriting techniques that can be applied across all your sales and marketing communications including websites, sales emails and letters, social media and more.