Where does marketing happen? Does it happen on screen, on the page, or in the human mind?
All marketing is about persuasion and the Persuasion Marketing training workshop reveals how people react to sales and marketing messages and make buying decisions. Armed with these insights you can make all your sales and marketing activity - both online and offline - more relevant to peoples' wants and needs and, just as crucially, how they think. The workshop guides you through the process of how to structure, create and make all your sales and marketing activity more effective by talking to the human, and not just the algorithm.
Workshop - what you'll learn
Each unit of the workshop is taught in the same way. Examples show you that the principles work in the real-world of sales & marketing. Explanations make sure that you fully understand the principle and how it works. Exercises really drive the learning home and give you the chance to apply the learning to your own sales and marketing.
- 09.30-10.00: Introduction – how we’re now living in the Attention Economy and challenges this creates for marketers and how to overcome them
- 10.00-11.30: Impact – creative strategies and techniques to make your marketing stand out and win the battle for attention
- 11.30-01.00: Information – techniques to make your sales and marketing communications and content relevant to peoples’ wants and needs; copywriting essentials and how to say the right things in the right way
- 01.00-02.00: Break for lunch
- 02.00-03.30: Influence: - learning how to apply the science of behavioural economics to your sales and marketing which influences how people will react to your sales and marketing activity and how they make buying decisions.
- 04.30-05.00: Main Exercise & Presentation – where working in teams of 2 you’ll apply all the learning in a structured exercise where you’ll answer a marketing brief using the principles introduced during the course of the workshop, and where you’ll present your solutions to fellow attendees.

What clients say...
"In a word - awesome". Jenna Gradidge, Copywriter, Hello Genius